Anushka had been much busy in early of 2010 in both onscreen and off-screen. Off-screen, the damsel has reportedly moved to a new place in Hyderabad. She has gifted herself a brand new luxurious flat in Journalist’s colony, Hyderabad. Earlier, she used to stay in Srinagar Colony. Anushka, who still hasn’t had a release in 2010, is perhaps one of the busiest stars in the Industry today. She’s going to be seen in 3 Telugu films which include, Vedam, Panchakshari and another film with Mahesh later this year. She’s also donning a guest role in a Bharat Thakur production tentatively titled ‘Takita Takita’. Apart from all these films in Telugu, she will soon be seen in a Tamil film titled ‘Singam’ where she has acted with Suriya!
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