Ram Charan Tej and Kajal Agarwal paired for the second time under Tamil film director Dharani. This pair who have awe-inspired the audience with their thrilling performances in ‘Magadheera’ could once again entertain audience.
Dharani had earlier directed Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Bangaram’ in Telugu, would be directing this untitled film and R B Chowdary could produce the film under their famous Super Good Films banner.
It seems that Kajal Agarwal has accepted the role for the female lead without even listening to the script since, Ram Charan is playing the male lead. Shooting might commence in May or June where a set costing 50 lakhs could be specially erected in Chennai.
Dharani had earlier directed Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Bangaram’ in Telugu, would be directing this untitled film and R B Chowdary could produce the film under their famous Super Good Films banner.
It seems that Kajal Agarwal has accepted the role for the female lead without even listening to the script since, Ram Charan is playing the male lead. Shooting might commence in May or June where a set costing 50 lakhs could be specially erected in Chennai.
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