Ram Charan was recommended to Farhan by Abhishek Kapoor, who had shot a commercial with him. A source says Farhan saw Ram Charan's latest Telugu blockbuster Magadheera and was left speechless. "He loved the film and Ram Charan's performance.
Farhan feels Ram Charan has all the qualities of an action hero. He got in touch with him and has now signed him with his production house Excel Entertainment. A script titled Haafiz was narrated to Ram Charan."
The film will be majorly shot in Mumbai. It's the story of two friends - the other character is yet to be cast. The movie is expected to go on the floors in April and the release is scheduled around December.
"If all goes well, Chiranjeevi might play the girl's father," adds ours source, While the script is still being fine tuned, the plot is basically rich girl-meets-poor boy plot with a lot of action sequences. "Deepika Padukone and Kangna are the two options being considered opposite Ram Charan. The film will be made in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi," says the source.
Ram Charan, who is currently abroad on a holiday, could not be contacted for a comment. However Farhan Akhtar said, "It would be a pleasure to work with Ram Charan. But the Latest news that we have collaborated on a film is untrue.”
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