Tamannah is now most wanted heroine in kollywood. All the big Tamil heroes want to act with her. She got the good response from the Tamil audience for her recent released movie Paiyya. She also got huge fan base in Tamil Nadu. Recently a fan club of her named* All India Thanga Padumai Tamannah Fans Club* started at Tuticorin District.
This fan club is also showing their ardent love for their heroine just like Kushboo, Nayantara or Namitha fans clubs did. When the film Paiyya was screened in a theater in Tuticorin, fans of Tamannah anointed her 20 feet cut out with milk.
Tamannah while speaking about this said, “It is not come to my notice about the opening of the fan club in Tuticorin. I am against of anointing my cutouts with milk. I will not encourage my fans to treat me equivalent to Gods.”
This fan club is also showing their ardent love for their heroine just like Kushboo, Nayantara or Namitha fans clubs did. When the film Paiyya was screened in a theater in Tuticorin, fans of Tamannah anointed her 20 feet cut out with milk.
Tamannah while speaking about this said, “It is not come to my notice about the opening of the fan club in Tuticorin. I am against of anointing my cutouts with milk. I will not encourage my fans to treat me equivalent to Gods.”
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