Arya, Trisha starrer ‘Sarvam’ tamil dubbing movie is all set to hit the screens on 23rd, April. Arya had recently made his entry into tollywood with Allu Arjun’s ‘Varudu’ with negative role in it. while ‘Sarvam’ will show him as the male lead.
Sarvam is directed by Vishnuvardhan who had directed Tamil Billa. Yuvan Shankar Raja scored the music. Sarvam songs has been released in the market recently and got a gud response from the audience.
If Sarvam gets success in A.P, the next films of Arya might get dubbed into the Telugu versions.
Sarvam is directed by Vishnuvardhan who had directed Tamil Billa. Yuvan Shankar Raja scored the music. Sarvam songs has been released in the market recently and got a gud response from the audience.
If Sarvam gets success in A.P, the next films of Arya might get dubbed into the Telugu versions.
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