SS Raja Mouli’s Upcoming film with Comedian Sunil as lead role "Maryada Ramanna" is gearing up for its release on July 23rd.
Saloni is playing the female lead role. The film is produced by Devineni Prasad and Shobhu Yarlagadda under Arka Media Pvt. Ltd.
The latest news is that the audio of the film will be released on July 3rd by Vel Records in to the market. M M Keeravani has composed the music for the film.
Saloni is playing the female lead role. The film is produced by Devineni Prasad and Shobhu Yarlagadda under Arka Media Pvt. Ltd.
The latest news is that the audio of the film will be released on July 3rd by Vel Records in to the market. M M Keeravani has composed the music for the film.
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