Tapsee, who is making her debut with Raghavendra Rao’s Jhummandi Nadam has been making waves in Telugu film industry even before the release of her debut film. She is doing the second heroine role in Prabhas-Dil Raju film in which Kajal is playing the main heroine. Now she has bagged Raviteja’s next venture Veera under Ramesh Varma direction. Anushka is the main heroine in this film.
Tapsee is attracting many an eye with her striking sex appeal that is clearly evident in the Jhummandi Nadam posters and photos. She is considered as one of the major assets of Jhummandi Nadam that is slated for release on July 1st.
Tapsee is attracting many an eye with her striking sex appeal that is clearly evident in the Jhummandi Nadam posters and photos. She is considered as one of the major assets of Jhummandi Nadam that is slated for release on July 1st.
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