S S Rajamouli’s Maryada Ramanna had its music launch on Sunday at Shilpa Kala Vedika in Hyderabad. On the occasion of music director M M Keeravani’s birthday, the music was launched and Keeravani’s birthday was celebrated on the same dais. NTR, Prabhas, Ravi Teja, Dasari Narayana Rao, K Raghavendra Rao, Sirivennela, Prakash Raj, Vinayak, Dil Raju, Bogavalli Prasad, Prakash Rao, Chandrasekhar Yeleti, Ramesh Prasad, Krish and others graced the ceremony.
Dasari unveiled the first audio CD and handed over it to K Raghavendra Rao.
Dasari unveiled the first audio CD and handed over it to K Raghavendra Rao.
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