Adi, the blue-eyed son of dialogue king Saikumar, is launched with all pomp and gaiety, through a film titled Prema Kavali (Love is in Need). The flick had its muhurat at Annapurna Studios, Hyderabad. Made on Max India Productions banner, the film is directed by K. Vijaybhaskar (of Manmathudu and Mallishwari fame) while producer is K. Atchi Reddy. Akkineni Nageswara Rao, K. Viswanath, Dr. D. Ramanaidu, Krishna, Krishnam Raju, Harikrishna, Nagarjuna, Balakrishna, Chiranjeevi, Srihari, Murali Mohan, Jayasudha, SV Krishna Reddy, Ramesh Prasad, Prakash Raj, PJ Sarma, Saikumar and others took part in the event.
ANR lighted the lamp and rendered the puja ceremony while D. Ramanaidu unveiled the production banner and Srihari unfurled the title of the film. Balakrishna switched on the camera, while Chiranjeevi clapped the muhurt shot. Nagarjuna did the formal first shot direction.
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