Hindi Movie Ladies V/S Ricky Stills,Synopsis,Pics

Hindi Movie Ladies V/S Ricky stills,Dipannita Sharma Stills,anushka sharma stills,Parineeti Chopra Stills
Movie Name:Ladies V/S Ricky

Directed By:Maneesh Sharma

Written By:Habib Faisal

Screenplay By:Devika Bhagat

Produced By:Aditya Chopra

Cast:Ranveer Singh,Anushka Sharma,Parineeti Chopra,Dipannita Sharma

Release Date:December 9, 2011


Studio:Yash Raj Films

Story: LADIES VS RICKY BAHL is a fun-filled "ROM-CON" where a smooth and charming
conman, Ricky Bahl, cons girls for a living but finally meets his match.
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